Calgary Estate Planning

Aligning both legal and financial plans to minimize tax and protect your wealth

Accessible Wealth Strategies understands that every family is unique.

The passing of a loved one can be a very emotional and unpredictable time. That’s why its important to structure a solid estate plan that fulfills your wishes and helps maintain family harmony.

Our estate planning approach ensures we carefully consider all aspects of your life, both personal and professional. The end goal is to create simplicity with an estate plan that minimizes tax, maximizes wealth and reduces stress for you, your executors and beneficiaries alike.

When you work with Accessible Wealth Solutions you can count on receiving:

FREE CHecklist

Estate Planning Checklist

Handling an estate can be a very challenging task.  Being organized is a great gift to give to your executor.  Download this free Estate Planning Checklist to help you and your executors understand the tasks involved when handling your estate.